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2010 年 02 月 20 日,11:16 下午 被 hclin -
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!!Attach:buttom.gif 2009 Fall

(:table border=1 cellspacing=1 bgcolor= white width=100%:)
(:cell bgcolor= gray:) %white% Course Name
(:cell bgcolor= gray:) %white% Adviser
(:cell bgcolor= gray:) %white% Time
(:cell bgcolor= gray:) %white% Classroom
(:cell bgcolor= gray:) %white% TA

(:cellnr:) %newwin, green%[[李立台揚科技講座 (LEE and MTI Science and Technology Forum) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/course/LeeMTIForum/index.html]]
(:cell:) %newwin, green% [[魏哲和 (Che-Ho Wei) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/chwei/]]
(:cell:) EF Wed.
(:cell:) 交映館1樓國際會議廳
(:cell:) %newwin, green%[[洪朝雄 -> mailto:morning.ee94g@nctu.edu.tw]]

(:cellnr:) %green%[[數位通訊 (Digital Communication)-> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~dwlin/courses/09digcom/]]
(:cell:) %newwin, green% [[林大衛 (David W. Lin) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~dwlin/]]
(:cell:) B, Wed. & CD, Fri.
(:cell:) ED301
(:cell:) .

(:cellnr:) %green%[[消息理論 (Information Theory) -> IT2009]]
(:cell:) %newwin, green% [[杭學鳴 (Hsueh-Ming Hang) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/hmhang/]]
(:cell:) GH, Mon. & D, Tue.
(:cell:) ED301 (Monday), ED 022 (Tue)
(:cell:) %newwin, green%[[蔡家揚 -> mailto:chyatsai@gmail.com]]

(:cellnr:) %green%[[隨機過程 (Random Process) -> RP2009]]
(:cell:) %newwin, green% [[簡鳳村 (Feng-Tsun Chien) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~ftchien/]]
(:cell:) GHY Tue.
(:cell:) ED 301
%green%[[廖怡茹 -> mailto:wasiyiru@gmail.com]]\\
%green%[[李重佑 -> mailto:leelityo@gmail.com]]

(:cellnr:) 通道編碼 (Channel Coding)
(:cell:) %newwin, green% [[簡鳳村 (Feng-Tsun Chien) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~ftchien/]]
(:cell:) CDX Thu.
(:cell:) ED 201

(:cellnr:) %green%[[工程數學:線性代數 (Linear Algebra)(英文班) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~cfung/courses/2009_2010/linear_algebra/]]
(:cell:) %newwin, green% [[馮智豪 (Carrson Fung) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~cfung/]]
(:cell:) CD Tue. & B Fri.
(:cell:) ED 101
(:cell:) .

(:cellnr:) 通訊原理(一)(Principles of Communication Systems I)
(:cell:) %newwin, green% [[桑梓賢 (Tzu-Hsien Sang) -> http://www.ee.nctu.edu.tw/People/Professor/individual.php?TeacherID=T9207 ]]
(:cell:) B Tue. & EF Fri.
(:cell:) ED 101
(:cell:) .

(:cellnr:) %newwin, green%[[通訊原理(一)(Principles of Communication Systems I)-> Comm2009En]]
%newwin, green% [[杭學鳴 (Hsueh-Ming Hang) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/hmhang/ ]]
B Tue. & EF Fri.
ED 116(Tue), ED 201(Fri)
(:cell:) .

(:cellnr:) %newwin, green%[[多媒體通訊(Multimedia Communications)(北科大)-> MMComm2009]]
%newwin, green% [[杭學鳴 (Hsueh-Ming Hang) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/hmhang/ ]]
9:10am-12:00pm, Thu.
(:cell:) .


[[Source Coding (陳紹基老師) -> SC2009]]

!!Attach:buttom.gif 2009 Spring

(:table border=1 cellspacing=1 bgcolor= white width=100%:)
(:cell bgcolor= gray:) %white% Course Name
(:cell bgcolor= gray:) %white% Adviser
(:cell bgcolor= gray:) %white% Time
(:cell bgcolor= gray:) %white% Classroom
(:cell bgcolor= gray:) %white% TA

(:cellnr:) %newwin, green%[[李立台揚科技講座 (LEE and MTI Science and Technology Forum) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/course/LeeMTIForum/index.html]]
(:cell:) %newwin, green% [[魏哲和 (Che-Ho Wei) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/chwei/]]
(:cell:) Wed. EF
(:cell:) 交映館1樓國際會議廳
(:cell:) %newwin, green%[[洪朝雄 -> mailto:morning.ee94g@nctu.edu.tw]]

(:cellnr:) %newwin, green%[[行動通訊 (Mobile Communication) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~dwlin/courses/08wl/]]
(:cell:) %newwin, green% [[林大衛 (David W. Lin) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~dwlin/]]
(:cell:) .
(:cell:) .
(:cell:) .

(:cellnr:) %newwin, green%[[數位訊號處理 (Digital Signal Processing) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~cfung/courses/2008_2009/DSP/]]
(:cell:) %newwin, green% [[馮智豪 (Carrson Fung) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~cfung/]]
(:cell:) EF, Mon & B, Wed
(:cell:) ED 101 (Monday), ED 220 (Wed)
(:cell:) %newwin, green%[[江清德 -> mailto:jeremiah1214@gmail.com]]

(:cellnr:) %newwin, green%[[適應性訊號處理 (Adaptive Signal Processing) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~cfung/courses/2007_2008/ASP/]]
(:cell:) %newwin, green% [[馮智豪 (Carrson Fung) -> http://cwww.ee.nctu.edu.tw/~cfung/]]
(:cell:) EFG, Wed
(:cell:) ED 021
(:cell:) %newwin, green%[[黃盈叡 -> mailto:rickrock.eeg96@g2.nctu.edu.tw]]

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