
Course.DC2018F 更新歷程

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2019 年 01 月 08 日,08:34 下午 被 -
增加第 27 行
* ''''''
2019 年 01 月 08 日,08:32 下午 被 -
更新 28-29 行從:

* '''+Final Exam (Open book)+''' -> '''2019/01/09 14:00-16:00'''

更新 66-70 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 10- Multiple-Antenna System-> Attach: Chapter 10- Multiple-Antenna System.pdf]]

* [[ Chapter 10- Multiple-Antenna System-> Attach: Chapter 10- Multiple-Antenna System.pdf]]

更新第 75 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Homework 3-2018-> Attach: Homework 3-2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2019/01/18)''
* [[ Homework 3-2018-> Attach: Homework 3-2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2019/01/18)''
2018 年 12 月 28 日,10:04 上午 被 -
更新第 64 行從:
* [[ Chapter 9- OFDM-> Attach: Chapter 9- OFDM.pdf]]
* [[ Chapter 9- OFDM_R-> Attach: Chapter 9- OFDM_R.pdf]]
增加第 74 行
* Attach:new.gif [[ Homework 3-2018-> Attach: Homework 3-2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2019/01/18)''
2018 年 12 月 19 日,11:47 上午 被 -
更新 63-64 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 8- -spread specrum-> Attach: Chapter 8- -spread specrum.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 9- OFDM-> Attach: Chapter 9- OFDM.pdf]]
* [[ Chapter 8- -spread specrum-> Attach: Chapter 8- -spread specrum.pdf]]
* [[ Chapter 9- OFDM-> Attach: Chapter 9- OFDM.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 10- Multiple-Antenna System-> Attach: Chapter 10- Multiple-Antenna System.pdf]]
2018 年 12 月 12 日,02:15 下午 被 -
更新第 71 行從:
* [[ Homework 2- 2018-> Attach: Homework 2- 2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2018/12/09)''
* [[ Homework 2- 2018-> Attach: Homework 2- 2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2018/12/19)''
2018 年 12 月 10 日,02:18 下午 被 -
更新第 71 行從:
* [[ Homework #2- 2018-> Attach: Homework #2- 2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2018/12/09)''
* [[ Homework 2- 2018-> Attach: Homework 2- 2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2018/12/09)''
2018 年 12 月 10 日,02:18 下午 被 -
增加 71-72 行
* [[ Homework #2- 2018-> Attach: Homework #2- 2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2018/12/09)''
2018 年 12 月 07 日,03:45 下午 被 -
更新第 64 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 9- OFDM (R)-> Attach: Chapter 9- OFDM (R).pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 9- OFDM-> Attach: Chapter 9- OFDM.pdf]]
2018 年 12 月 07 日,03:43 下午 被 -
2018 年 12 月 07 日,03:42 下午 被 -
更新 62-65 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 7 -Multiple Access and wireless Networks-> Attach: Chapter 7 -Multiple Access and wireless Networks.pdf]]
* [[ Chapter 7 -Multiple Access and wireless Networks-> Attach: Chapter 7 -Multiple Access and wireless Networks.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 8- -spread specrum-> Attach: Chapter 8- -spread specrum.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 9- OFDM (R)-> Attach: Chapter 9- OFDM (R).pdf]]
2018 年 12 月 04 日,05:56 下午 被 -
更新第 27 行從:
* '''+Midterm Exam+''' -> '''2018/12/05'''
* '''+Midterm Exam (Chap 1 to Chap 5 , including Appendices)+''' -> '''2018/12/05'''
2018 年 12 月 03 日,10:30 下午 被 -
增加第 27 行
* '''+Midterm Exam+''' -> '''2018/12/05'''
2018 年 11 月 26 日,01:28 下午 被 -
更新 59-60 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Appendix- 4 A- channel equalization-> Attach: Appendix- 4 A- channel equalization.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chap 6- Convolutional code-> Attach: Chap 6- Convolutional code.pdf]]
* [[ Appendix- 4 A- channel equalization-> Attach: Appendix- 4 A- channel equalization.pdf]]
* [[ Chap 6- Convolutional code-> Attach: Chap 6- Convolutional code.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 7 -Multiple Access and wireless Networks-> Attach: Chapter 7 -Multiple Access and wireless Networks.pdf]]
2018 年 11 月 15 日,01:08 下午 被 -
更新 60-62 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chap 6- Convolutional code-> Attach: Chap 6- Convolutional code.pdf]]

更新第 65 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Homework 1-DC2018-> Attach: Homework 1-DC2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2018/11/07)''
* [[ Homework 1-DC2018-> Attach: Homework 1-DC2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2018/11/07)''
2018 年 11 月 12 日,11:24 上午 被 -
更新第 59 行從:
* Attach:buttom.gif [[ Appendix- 4 A- channel equalization-> Attach: Appendix- 4 A- channel equalization.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Appendix- 4 A- channel equalization-> Attach: Appendix- 4 A- channel equalization.pdf]]
2018 年 11 月 12 日,11:24 上午 被 -
增加 59-60 行
* Attach:buttom.gif [[ Appendix- 4 A- channel equalization-> Attach: Appendix- 4 A- channel equalization.pdf]]
2018 年 10 月 29 日,12:13 下午 被 -
更新第 61 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Homework #1-DC2018-> Attach: Homework #1-DC2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2018/11/07)''
* Attach:new.gif [[ Homework 1-DC2018-> Attach: Homework 1-DC2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2018/11/07)''
2018 年 10 月 29 日,12:10 下午 被 -
2018 年 10 月 29 日,12:09 下午 被 -
更新第 61 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Homework #1-DC2018 (due Nov. 7 2018)-> Attach: Homework #1-DC2018.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Homework #1-DC2018-> Attach: Homework #1-DC2018.pdf]] ->''(due 2018/11/07)''
2018 年 10 月 29 日,12:06 下午 被 -
更新 56-58 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 3 --communication channels and Noises-> Attach: Chapter 3 --communication channels and Noises.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 4-Baseband Digital Transm-> Attach: Chapter 4-Baseband Digital Transm.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 5 -Carrier modulation-> Attach: Chapter 5 -Carrier modulation.pdf]]
* [[ Chapter 3 --communication channels and Noises-> Attach: Chapter 3 --communication channels and Noises.pdf]]
* [[ Chapter 4-Baseband Digital Transm-> Attach: Chapter 4-Baseband Digital Transm.pdf]]
* [[ Chapter 5 -Carrier modulation-> Attach: Chapter 5 -Carrier modulation.pdf]]
增加第 61 行
* Attach:new.gif [[ Homework #1-DC2018 (due Nov. 7 2018)-> Attach: Homework #1-DC2018.pdf]]
2018 年 10 月 12 日,02:38 下午 被 -
更新 56-58 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 3 --communication channels and Noises-> Attach: Chapter 3 --communication channels and Noises.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 3 --communication channels and Noises-> Attach: Chapter 3 --communication channels and Noises.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 4-Baseband Digital Transm-> Attach: Chapter 4-Baseband Digital Transm.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 5 -Carrier modulation-> Attach: Chapter 5 -Carrier modulation.pdf]]
2018 年 10 月 03 日,05:17 下午 被 -
更新 53-55 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Appendix-Chap.1-Signals and Systems-> Attach: Appendix-Chap.1-Signals and Systems.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 1--Digital communications-> Attach: Chapter 1--Digital communications.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 2-- Random Signals and Optimal Filtering-> Attach: Chapter 2-- Random Signals and Optimal Filtering.pdf]]
* [[ Appendix-Chap.1-Signals and Systems-> Attach: Appendix-Chap.1-Signals and Systems.pdf]]
* [[ Chapter 1--Digital communications-> Attach: Chapter 1--Digital communications.pdf]]
* [[ Chapter 2-- Random Signals and Optimal Filtering-> Attach: Chapter 2-- Random Signals and Optimal Filtering.pdf]]
2018 年 10 月 03 日,05:16 下午 被 -
更新第 56 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 3 --communication channels and Noises-> Attach: Chapter 3 --communication channels and Noises.pdf]]
2018 年 10 月 03 日,01:32 下午 被 -
更新第 18 行從:
* 余宥宗 (ED422) ([[yozongyu@gmail.com -> mailto:yozongyu@gmail.com]])\\
* 余宥宗 (ED422) ([[yozongyu@gmail.com -> mailto:yozongyu@gmail.com]])
刪除第 19 行:
2018 年 10 月 03 日,01:29 下午 被 -
增加第 19 行
* 王歆淳 (ED529) ([[sysh30504@gmail.com -> mailto:sysh30504@gmail.com]])\\
2018 年 10 月 03 日,01:28 下午 被 -
2018 年 09 月 12 日,02:18 下午 被 -
2018 年 09 月 12 日,02:17 下午 被 -
增加第 54 行
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 1--Digital communications-> Attach: Chapter 1--Digital communications.pdf]]
2018 年 09 月 12 日,02:06 下午 被 -
更新第 9 行從:
|| %left%'''Lecture''': ||%left% 3EFG,ED102 ||
|| %left%'''Lecture''': ||%left% 3EFG,ED303 ||
2018 年 09 月 12 日,12:45 下午 被 -
刪除第 17 行:
增加第 52 行
All the class notes files require a password to open and read. The password is provided in the first lecture.
2018 年 09 月 12 日,12:37 下午 被 -
增加 53-54 行
* Attach:new.gif [[ Appendix-Chap.1-Signals and Systems-> Attach: Appendix-Chap.1-Signals and Systems.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Chapter 2-- Random Signals and Optimal Filtering-> Attach: Chapter 2-- Random Signals and Optimal Filtering.pdf]]
2018 年 09 月 11 日,10:50 上午 被 -
增加 1-65 行
>>font-style=calibri bgcolor=#ffffff align= center <<
! IEE7582 (2018 Fall)
! 數位通訊 (Digital Communication)

|| align=center border=0 width= 500px
|| %left%'''Instructor''': ||%left% Prof. Che-Ho Wei (魏哲和教授) ||
|| %left%'''Office''': ||%left% ED541 x 31852 ||
|| %left%'''Email''': ||%left% [[chwei@mail.nctu.edu.tw -> mailto:chwei@mail.nctu.edu.tw]] ||
|| %left%'''Lecture''': ||%left% 3EFG,ED102 ||

>>black font-style=calibri bgcolor=#ffffff <<
Attach:buttom.gif '''Office hours''': \\

Attach:buttom.gif '''Teaching Assistant''':\\

* 余宥宗 (ED422) ([[yozongyu@gmail.com -> mailto:yozongyu@gmail.com]])\\

Attach:buttom.gif '''Course Description''':\\
This course is for first-year graduate students major in electrical/electronic engineering The students will be familiar with the signal processing and error control techniques for modern digital communication systems . The course will cover the following topics : overview of digital communication systems, random process and optimal filtering , communication channels, baseband digital transmission, passband digital transmission, synchronization and equalization, errol control coding , spread spectrum and CDMA , OFDMA techniques, multiantenna systems , advanced wireless network.

Attach:buttom.gif '''公告(Announcement)''':\\

Attach:buttom.gif '''Reference Web Site''':\\

Attach:buttom.gif '''Text book''':\\
1. Proakis, J.G. and Salehi , M., Digital Communications , 5th Ed., McGraw- Hill ,2008 .
2. Haykin, S. Digital Communication Systems, Wiley ,2013\\

Attach:buttom.gif '''Recommended Readings:''':\\

Attach:buttom.gif '''Grading''':\\

Attach:buttom.gif '''Backgorund''':\\
Communication systems (undergraduate), Linear algebra, probability , Signal and systems\\

Attach:buttom.gif '''Classnotes''':

Attach:buttom.gif '''Homework''':

Attach:buttom.gif '''Supplements''':


(:comment this is a small test:)
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