
Course.PS2010 更新歷程

顯示細微的更新部份 - 顯示輸出樣式的改變

2012 年 02 月 08 日,12:00 上午 被 clliu -
更新 18-19 行從:
劉峻利 (ED422, x 54232) ([[ringo.cl.liu@gmail.com -> mailto:talent31022@gmail.com]]) Recitation 助教複習: Friday 6:30-8:30pm, ED220\\
劉峻利 (ED422, x 54232) ([[ringo.cl.liu@gmail.com -> mailto:ringo.cl.liu@gmail.com]]) Recitation 助教複習: \\
刪除 57-61 行:
* [[Math Symbols in English -> Attach:MathSymbols.pdf]]
* [[Mean & Variance -> Attach:Mean_Var.pdf]]
* [[Gaussian -> Attach:Guassian.pdf]]
* [[Poisson&exponential -> Attach:poisson2exponential.pdf]]
* [[Bivariate Normal -> Attach: Bivariate-Normal.pdf]]
2012 年 02 月 07 日,11:59 下午 被 clliu -
更新第 2 行從:
! DEE 1316 (2011 Spring)
! DEE 1316 (2012 Spring)
更新 14-16 行從:
10:00pm-12:00noon Monday; 1:30pm-3:30pm Wednesday (ED609)\\
Please make an appointment in advance (請儘可能事先預約時段) \\

更新 18-21 行從:
李兆軒 (ED422, x 54232) ([[pig19870210@hotmail.com -> mailto:pig19870210@hotmail.com]]) \\
羅偵源 (ED422, x 54232) ([[jrwinds@hotmail.com -> mailto:jrwinds@hotmail.com]]) \\
林振揚 (ED529, x 54228) ([[talent31022@gmail.com -> mailto:talent31022@gmail.com]]) Recitation 助教複習: Friday 6:30-8:30pm, ED220\\
劉峻利 (ED422, x 54232) ([[ringo.cl.liu@gmail.com -> mailto:talent31022@gmail.com]]) Recitation 助教複習: Friday 6:30-8:30pm, ED220\\
更新 26-28 行從:
* Attach:new.gif The Final Scores of this course are attached below. Please contact me before June 30, if you have any question about your final scores. Otherwise, the scores are NOT changed after June 30. Your final examine answer sheet is not returned to you. If you like to look at it, please contact me before June 30.本課程學期成績如下檔,如有問題,務必與老師在6月30日前連絡上,逾期不能更動分數。期末考卷不發還,想看考卷請在6月30日前與老師連繫。 [[ Course grades -> Attach:prob99final.pdf]] \\

更新 49-66 行從:
* [[ Syllabus -> Attach: Syllabus_prob2011.pdf]]
* [[ Introduction -> Attach: prob0_11.pdf]]
(1) [[ Prob Basics (I) -> Attach: prob1_11.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ Prob Basics (II) -> Attach: prob2_11.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach: prob3_11.pdf]] \\
(4) [[ Discrete Random Variables (II) -> Attach: prob4_11.pdf]] \\
(5) [[ Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach: prob5_11.pdf]] \\
(6) [[ Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob6_11.pdf]] \\
(7) [[ Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob7_11.pdf]] \\
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach:prob8_11.pdf]]
* [[ Review (Chaps 1-3) -> Attach:probRvwA_11.pdf]]
(9) [[ Conditional Expectation -> Attach:prob9_11.pdf]] \\
(10) [[ Transform -> Attach:prob10_11.pdf]] \\
(11) [[ Limit Theorems -> Attach:prob11_11.pdf]] \\
(12) [[ Fundamentals of Statistics -> Attach:prob12_11.pdf]] (updated: 6/04)
* [[ Review (Chaps 4,5,8) -> Attach:probRvwB_11.pdf]]

更新 54-67 行從:
(1) [[ HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] (Due: 3/14) \\
(1S) [[ HW1 solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] (Due: 3/30) \\
(2S) [[ HW2 solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] (Due:4/20) \\
(3S) [[ HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]] \\
(4) [[ HW4 -> Attach: HW4.pdf]] (Due: May 16) \\
(4S) [[ HW4 solutions -> Attach: HW4sol.pdf]] (updated 5.25) \\
(5) [[ HW5 -> Attach: HW5.pdf]] (Due: May 25) \\
(5S) [[ HW5 solutions -> Attach: HW5sol.pdf]] \\
(6) [[ HW6 -> Attach: HW6.pdf]] (Due: June 8) \\
(6S) [[ HW6 solutions -> Attach: HW6sol.pdf]] \\
(7) [[ HW7 -> Attach: HW7.pdf]] (Due: June 20) \\
(7S) [[ HW7 solutions -> Attach: HW7sol.pdf]] \\
2012 年 02 月 07 日,11:57 下午 被 clliu -
更新第 9 行從:
|| %left%'''Lecture''': ||%left% 1B, 3CD, ED301 ||
|| %left%'''Lecture''': ||%left% 1B, 5EF, ED116 ||
2012 年 02 月 07 日,11:51 下午 被 clliu -
更新第 19 行從:
李兆軒 (ED422, x 54232) ([[pig19870210@hotmail.com -> mailto:pig19870210@hotmail.com]]) \\
李兆軒 (ED422, x 54232) ([[pig19870210@hotmail.com -> mailto:pig19870210@hotmail.com]]) \\
更新第 21 行從:
林振揚 (ED529, x 54228) ([[talent31022@gmail.com -> mailto:talent31022@gmail.com]]) Recitation 助教複習: Friday 6:30-8:30pm, ED220\\
林振揚 (ED529, x 54228) ([[talent31022@gmail.com -> mailto:talent31022@gmail.com]]) Recitation 助教複習: Friday 6:30-8:30pm, ED220\\
2011 年 06 月 27 日,01:44 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 29-32 行從:
* Attach:new.gif The Final Examine is to be held at 10:10am on June 22 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1-5 [exclude 5.3 & 5.5], Secs. 8.1 & 8.2) 期末考將在6月22日(週三)上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,110分鐘,範圍: Chaps 1-5, Secs. 8.1 & 8.2; 但5.3及5.5除外) \\
*Attach:new.gif The recorded grades of HW sets 1 to 6, Quizzes 1 & 2 and Midterm are attached below. Please contact TA or me before the final examine, if you find something incorrect. 目前課程記錄同學成績(6次作業,小考2,期中考)如下,如有問題請在期末考前與助教或我連繫更正。 [[ Course grades (updated: 6/19)-> Attach:probGrade20110619.pdf]] \\
* Attach:new.gif HW Score calculation: We will pick up the best 5 HW scores for calculating your HW final scores. In other words, if you miss one or two HW assignments, it may not have an impact on your final scores. 作業分數計算: 在7次作業中挑選最高成績的5次,計算最後作業成績。
* Attach:new.gif The Final Scores of this course are attached below. Please contact me before June 30, if you have any question about your final scores. Otherwise, the scores are NOT changed after June 30. Your final examine answer sheet is not returned to you. If you like to look at it, please contact me before June 30.本課程學期成績如下檔,如有問題,務必與老師在6月30日前連絡上,逾期不能更動分數。期末考卷不發還,想看考卷請在6月30日前與老師連繫。 [[ Course grades -> Attach:prob99final.pdf]] \\

更新第 87 行從:
(7S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW7 solutions -> Attach: HW7sol.pdf]] \\
(7S) [[ HW7 solutions -> Attach: HW7sol.pdf]] \\
2011 年 06 月 20 日,06:10 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 69-70 行從:
(12) Attach:new.gif [[ Fundamentals of Statistics -> Attach:prob12_11.pdf]] (updated: 6/04)
* Attach:new.gif [[ Review (Chaps 4,5,8) -> Attach:probRvwB_11.pdf]]
(12) [[ Fundamentals of Statistics -> Attach:prob12_11.pdf]] (updated: 6/04)
* [[ Review (Chaps 4,5,8) -> Attach:probRvwB_11.pdf]]
2011 年 06 月 20 日,06:09 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 87-88 行從:
(7) Attach:new.gif [[ HW7 -> Attach: HW7.pdf]] (Due: June 20) \\
(7) [[ HW7 -> Attach: HW7.pdf]] (Due: June 20) \\
(7S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW7 solutions -> Attach: HW7sol.pdf]] \\
2011 年 06 月 19 日,10:01 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 30 行從:
*Attach:new.gif The recorded grades of HW sets 1 to 4, Quiz 1 and Midterm are attached below. Please contact TA or me before the final examine, if you find something incorrect. 目前課程記錄同學成績(4次作業,小考1,期中考)如下,如有問題請在期末考前與助教或我連繫更正。 [[ Course grades (updated: 6/02)-> Attach:probGrade20110530.pdf]] \\
*Attach:new.gif The recorded grades of HW sets 1 to 6, Quizzes 1 & 2 and Midterm are attached below. Please contact TA or me before the final examine, if you find something incorrect. 目前課程記錄同學成績(6次作業,小考2,期中考)如下,如有問題請在期末考前與助教或我連繫更正。 [[ Course grades (updated: 6/19)-> Attach:probGrade20110619.pdf]] \\
2011 年 06 月 18 日,06:10 上午 被 commw3 -
更新第 29 行從:
* Attach:new.gif The Final Examine is to be held at 10:10am on June 22 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1-5, Secs. 8.1 & 8.2) 期末考將在6月22日(週三)上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,110分鐘,範圍: Chaps 1-5, Secs. 8.1 & 8.2) \\
* Attach:new.gif The Final Examine is to be held at 10:10am on June 22 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1-5 [exclude 5.3 & 5.5], Secs. 8.1 & 8.2) 期末考將在6月22日(週三)上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,110分鐘,範圍: Chaps 1-5, Secs. 8.1 & 8.2; 但5.3及5.5除外) \\
2011 年 06 月 08 日,07:59 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 31-32 行從:

* Attach:new.gif HW Score calculation: We will pick up the best 5 HW scores for calculating your HW final scores. In other words, if you miss one or two HW assignments, it may not have an impact on your final scores. 作業分數計算: 在7次作業中挑選最高成績的5次,計算最後作業成績。
更新第 87 行從:
(7) Attach:new.gif [[ HW7 -> Attach: HW7.pdf]] (Due: June 15) \\
(7) Attach:new.gif [[ HW7 -> Attach: HW7.pdf]] (Due: June 20) \\
2011 年 06 月 08 日,02:13 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 29 行從:
* Attach:new.gif The Final Examine is to be held at 10:10am on June 22 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1-5, Secs. 8.1 & 8.2) 期末考將在6月22日(週三)上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,,110分鐘,範圍: Chaps 1-5, Secs. 8.1 & 8.2) \\
* Attach:new.gif The Final Examine is to be held at 10:10am on June 22 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1-5, Secs. 8.1 & 8.2) 期末考將在6月22日(週三)上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,110分鐘,範圍: Chaps 1-5, Secs. 8.1 & 8.2) \\
更新第 87 行從:
(6) Attach:new.gif [[ HW7 -> Attach: HW7.pdf]] (Due: June 15) \\
(7) Attach:new.gif [[ HW7 -> Attach: HW7.pdf]] (Due: June 15) \\
2011 年 06 月 08 日,02:11 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 29 行從:
* The Final Examine is to be held at 10:10am on June 22 (Wednesday) \\
* Attach:new.gif The Final Examine is to be held at 10:10am on June 22 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1-5, Secs. 8.1 & 8.2) 期末考將在6月22日(週三)上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,,110分鐘,範圍: Chaps 1-5, Secs. 8.1 & 8.2) \\
增加第 86 行
(6S) [[ HW6 solutions -> Attach: HW6sol.pdf]] \\
2011 年 06 月 07 日,02:34 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 85-86 行從:
(6) Attach:new.gif [[ HW6 -> Attach: HW6.pdf]] (Due: June 8) \\
(6) [[ HW6 -> Attach: HW6.pdf]] (Due: June 8) \\
(6) Attach:new.gif [[ HW7 -> Attach: HW7.pdf]] (Due: June 15) \\
2011 年 06 月 04 日,04:23 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 69-70 行從:
(12) Attach:new.gif [[ Fundamentals of Statistics -> Attach:prob12_11.pdf]] \\
(12) Attach:new.gif [[ Fundamentals of Statistics -> Attach:prob12_11.pdf]] (updated: 6/04)
* Attach:new.gif [[ Review (Chaps 4,5,8) -> Attach:probRvwB_11.pdf]]
2011 年 06 月 02 日,11:49 上午 被 commw3 -
更新第 30 行從:
*Attach:new.gif The recorded grades of HW sets 1 to 4, Quiz 1 and Midterm are attached below. Please contact TA or me before the final examine, if you find something incorrect. 目前課程記錄同學成績(4次作業,小考1,期中考)如下,如有問題請在期末考前與助教或我連繫更正。 [[ Course grades -> Attach:probGrade20110530.pdf]] \\
*Attach:new.gif The recorded grades of HW sets 1 to 4, Quiz 1 and Midterm are attached below. Please contact TA or me before the final examine, if you find something incorrect. 目前課程記錄同學成績(4次作業,小考1,期中考)如下,如有問題請在期末考前與助教或我連繫更正。 [[ Course grades (updated: 6/02)-> Attach:probGrade20110530.pdf]] \\
2011 年 06 月 01 日,12:52 下午 被 commw3 -
增加第 84 行
(6) Attach:new.gif [[ HW6 -> Attach: HW6.pdf]] (Due: June 8) \\
2011 年 05 月 31 日,08:21 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 29-32 行從:
* The Final Examine is to be held at 10:10am on June 22 (Wednesday)
*Attach:new.gif The recorded grades of HW sets 1 to 4, Quiz 1 and Midterm are attached below. Please contact TA or me before the final examine, if you find something incorrect
[[ Course grades -> Attach:probGrade20110530.pdf]] \\
* The Final Examine is to be held at 10:10am on June 22 (Wednesday) \\
*Attach:new.gif The recorded grades of HW sets 1 to 4, Quiz 1 and Midterm are attached below. Please contact TA or me before the final examine, if you find something incorrect. 目前課程記錄同學成績(4次作業,小考1,期中考)如下,如有問題請在期末考前與助教或我連繫更正。 [[ Course grades -> Attach:probGrade20110530.pdf]] \\
2011 年 05 月 31 日,08:06 下午 被 commw3 -
刪除 28-30 行:
* Quiz 2 is to be held at 9:am on May 30 (Monday) (50 mins, closed-book; Chap 4 = (Lecs. 8 to 10)) 第2次小考在5月30日上午9:00 (不可看書,50分鐘,範圍: 課本Chap 4)舉行。 Please let me know if you cannot take Quiz 2 on May 30.
更新 30-34 行從:
*Attach:new.gif The recorded grades of HW sets 1 to 4, Quiz 1 and Midterm are attached below. Please contact TA or me before the final examine, if you find something incorrect
[[ Course grades -> Attach:probGrade20110530.pdf]] \\

更新 70-72 行從:
(11) Attach:new.gif [[ Limit Theorems -> Attach:prob11_11.pdf]] \\
6. Fundamentals of Statistics \\
(11) [[ Limit Theorems -> Attach:prob11_11.pdf]] \\
(12) Attach:new.gif [[ Fundamentals of Statistics -> Attach:prob12_11.pdf]] \\

更新第 83 行從:
(4S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW4 solutions -> Attach: HW4sol.pdf]] (updated 5.25) \\
(4S) [[ HW4 solutions -> Attach: HW4sol.pdf]] (updated 5.25) \\
更新第 85 行從:
(5S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW5 solutions -> Attach: HW5sol.pdf]] \\
(5S) [[ HW5 solutions -> Attach: HW5sol.pdf]] \\
2011 年 05 月 25 日,10:26 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 81-83 行從:
(4S) [[ HW4 solutions -> Attach: HW4sol.pdf]] (updated 5.25) \\
(5) Attach:new.gif [[ HW5 -> Attach: HW5.pdf]] (Due: May 25) \\
(5S) [[ HW5 solutions -> Attach: HW5sol.pdf]] \\
(4S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW4 solutions -> Attach: HW4sol.pdf]] (updated 5.25) \\
(5) [[ HW5 -> Attach: HW5.pdf]] (Due: May 25) \\
(5S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW5 solutions -> Attach: HW5sol.pdf]] \\
2011 年 05 月 25 日,10:24 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 81-82 行從:
(4S) [[ HW4 solutions -> Attach: HW4sol.pdf]] \\
(5) Attach:new.gif [[ HW5 -> Attach: HW5.pdf]] (Due: May 25)
(4S) [[ HW4 solutions -> Attach: HW4sol.pdf]] (updated 5.25) \\
(5) Attach:new.gif [[ HW5 -> Attach: HW5.pdf]] (Due: May 25) \\
(5S) [[ HW5 solutions -> Attach: HW5sol.pdf]] \\
2011 年 05 月 21 日,11:57 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 68-69 行從:
(10) Attach:new.gif [[ Transform -> Attach:prob10_11.pdf]] \\
5. Limit Theorems \\
(10) [[ Transform -> Attach:prob10_11.pdf]] \\
(11) Attach:new.gif [[ Limit Theorems -> Attach:prob11_11.pdf]] \\
2011 年 05 月 20 日,12:05 上午 被 commw3 -
更新第 80 行從:
(4) [[ HW4 -> Attach: HW4.pdf]] (Due: May 16)
(4) [[ HW4 -> Attach: HW4.pdf]] (Due: May 16) \\
2011 年 05 月 16 日,09:54 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 30 行從:
* Quiz 2 is to be held at 9:am on May 30 (Monday) (50 mins, closed-book; Chap 4 = (Lecs. 8 to 10)) 第2次小考在5月30日上午9:00 (不可看書,50分鐘,範圍: 課本Chap 4)舉行。 Please let me know if you cannot take the Quiz 2 on May 30.
* Quiz 2 is to be held at 9:am on May 30 (Monday) (50 mins, closed-book; Chap 4 = (Lecs. 8 to 10)) 第2次小考在5月30日上午9:00 (不可看書,50分鐘,範圍: 課本Chap 4)舉行。 Please let me know if you cannot take Quiz 2 on May 30.
2011 年 05 月 16 日,09:54 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 30-31 行從:
* Quiz 2 is to be held at 9:am on May 30 (Monday) (50 mins, closed-book; Chap 4 = (Lecs. 8 to 10)) 第2次小考在5月30日上午9:00 (不可看書,50分鐘,範圍: 課本Chap 4)舉行
Please let me know if you cannot take the Quiz 2 on May 30.
* Quiz 2 is to be held at 9:am on May 30 (Monday) (50 mins, closed-book; Chap 4 = (Lecs. 8 to 10)) 第2次小考在5月30日上午9:00 (不可看書,50分鐘,範圍: 課本Chap 4)舉行。 Please let me know if you cannot take the Quiz 2 on May 30.
2011 年 05 月 16 日,09:53 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 29-30 行從:
* Attach:new.gif
Quiz 2 is to be held at 9:am on May 30 (Monday) (50 mins, closed-book; Chap 4 = (Lecs. 8 to 10)) 第2次小考在5月30日上午9:00 (不可看書,50分鐘,範圍: 課本Chap 4)舉行
* Quiz 2 is to be held at 9:am on May 30 (Monday) (50 mins, closed-book; Chap 4 = (Lecs. 8 to 10)) 第2次小考在5月30日上午9:00 (不可看書,50分鐘,範圍: 課本Chap 4)舉行
2011 年 05 月 16 日,09:52 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 29-33 行從:
* Attach:new.gif
Quiz 2 is to be held at 9:am on May 30 (Monday) (50 mins, closed-book; Chap 4 = (Lecs. 8 to 10)) 第2次小考在5月30日上午9:00 (不可看書,50分鐘,範圍: 課本Chap 4)舉行
Please let me know if you cannot take the Quiz 2 on May 30.

* The Final Examine is to be held at 10:10am on June 22 (Wednesday)
2011 年 05 月 16 日,09:27 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 71 行從:
(1) [[ HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] \\
(1) [[ HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] (Due: 3/14) \\
更新第 73 行從:
(2) [[ HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] (Due: 3/30) \\
更新第 75 行從:
(3) [[ HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] (Due:4/20) \\
更新 77-79 行從:
(4) Attach:new.gif [[ HW4 -> Attach: HW4.pdf]] (Due: May 16)
(4) [[ HW4 -> Attach: HW4.pdf]] (Due: May 16)
(4S) [[ HW4 solutions -> Attach: HW4sol.pdf]] \\
(5) Attach:new.gif [[ HW5 -> Attach: HW5.pdf]] (Due: May 25)
2011 年 05 月 14 日,08:37 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 33 行從:
%newwin, green% [[MIT Open Course Ware -> http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-041-probabilistic-systems-analysis-and-applied-probability-spring-2006/]]
%newwin, green% [[MIT Open Course Ware -> http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-041-probabilistic-systems-analysis-and-applied-probability-fall-2010/]]
2011 年 05 月 14 日,08:34 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 64-65 行從:
(9) Attach:new.gif [[ Conditional Expectation -> Attach:prob9_11.pdf]] \\
4. Joint Distribution and Function of Random Variables \\
(9) [[ Conditional Expectation -> Attach:prob9_11.pdf]] \\
(10) Attach:new.gif [[ Transform -> Attach:prob10_11.pdf]] \\
2011 年 05 月 08 日,09:34 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 63 行從:
* [[ Review (Chaps 1-3) -> Attach:probRvwA_11.pdf]] \\
* [[ Review (Chaps 1-3) -> Attach:probRvwA_11.pdf]]
2011 年 05 月 08 日,09:31 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 29-30 行從:
* Attach:new.gif The Midterm Examine is to be held at 10:10am on April 27 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; no calculator; Chaps 1 - 3 = (Lecs 1 to 7)) 期中考擬在4月27日上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,不可攜帶計算器,110分鐘,範圍: 課本Chaps 1- 3.)

更新 63-64 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[ Review (Chaps 1-3) -> Attach:probRvwA_11.pdf]] \\
* [[ Review (Chaps 1-3) -> Attach:probRvwA_11.pdf]] \\
(9) Attach:new.gif [[ Conditional Expectation -> Attach:prob9_11.pdf]] \\
增加第 85 行
* [[Bivariate Normal -> Attach: Bivariate-Normal.pdf]]
2011 年 05 月 04 日,08:45 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 75-76 行從:
(3S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]] \\
(3S) [[ HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]] \\
(4) Attach:new.gif [[ HW4 -> Attach: HW4.pdf]] (Due: May 16)
2011 年 04 月 24 日,03:32 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 62-63 行從:
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: probRvwA_11.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Review (Chaps 1-3) -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]] \\
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach:prob8_11.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Review (Chaps 1-3) -> Attach:probRvwA_11.pdf]] \\
2011 年 04 月 24 日,03:31 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 62-63 行從:
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]] \\
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: probRvwA_11.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[ Review (Chaps 1-3) -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]] \\
2011 年 04 月 24 日,09:54 上午 被 commw3 -
更新第 29 行從:
* Attach:new.gif The Midterm Examine is to be held at 10:10am on April 27 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book;no calculator; Chaps 1 - 3 = (Lecs 1 to 7)) 期中考擬在4月27日上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,不可攜帶計算器,110分鐘,範圍: 課本Chaps 1- 3.)
* Attach:new.gif The Midterm Examine is to be held at 10:10am on April 27 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; no calculator; Chaps 1 - 3 = (Lecs 1 to 7)) 期中考擬在4月27日上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,不可攜帶計算器,110分鐘,範圍: 課本Chaps 1- 3.)
2011 年 04 月 24 日,09:54 上午 被 commw3 -
更新第 29 行從:
* Attach:new.gif The Midterm Examine is to be held at 10:10am on April 27 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1 - 3 = (Lecs 1 to 7)) 期中考擬在4月27日上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,110分鐘,範圍: 課本Chaps 1- 3.)
* Attach:new.gif The Midterm Examine is to be held at 10:10am on April 27 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book;no calculator; Chaps 1 - 3 = (Lecs 1 to 7)) 期中考擬在4月27日上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,不可攜帶計算器,110分鐘,範圍: 課本Chaps 1- 3.)
2011 年 04 月 23 日,06:16 下午 被 commw3 -
2011 年 04 月 23 日,06:14 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 60-62 行從:
(6) [[ Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob6_11.pdf]] \\
(7) [[ Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob7_11.pdf]] \\
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]] \\
(6) [[ Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob6_11.pdf]] \\
(7) [[ Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob7_11.pdf]] \\
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]] \\
2011 年 04 月 23 日,06:10 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 55-62 行從:
(1) [[ Prob Basics (I) -> Attach: prob1_11.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ Prob Basics (II) -> Attach: prob2_11.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach: prob3_11.pdf]] \\
(4) [[ Discrete Random Variables (II) -> Attach: prob4_11.pdf]] \\
(5) [[ Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach: prob5_11.pdf]] \\
(6) [[ Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob6_11.pdf]] \\
(7) [[ Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob7_11.pdf]] \\
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]] \\
(1) [[ Prob Basics (I) -> Attach: prob1_11.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ Prob Basics (II) -> Attach: prob2_11.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach: prob3_11.pdf]] \\
(4) [[ Discrete Random Variables (II) -> Attach: prob4_11.pdf]] \\
(5) [[ Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach: prob5_11.pdf]] \\
(6) [[ Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob6_11.pdf]] \\
(7) [[ Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob7_11.pdf]] \\
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]] \\
更新 69-74 行從:
(1) [[ HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] \\
(1S) [[ HW1 solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] \\
(2S) [[ HW2 solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] \\
(3S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]] \\
(1) [[ HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] \\
(1S) [[ HW1 solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] \\
(2S) [[ HW2 solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] \\
(3S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]] \\
2011 年 04 月 23 日,06:06 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 55-62 行從:
(1) [[ Prob Basics (I) -> Attach: prob1_11.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ Prob Basics (II) -> Attach: prob2_11.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach: prob3_11.pdf]] \\
(4) [[ Discrete Random Variables (II) -> Attach: prob4_11.pdf]] \\
(5) [[ Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach: prob5_11.pdf]] \\
(6) [[ Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob6_11.pdf]] \\
(7) [[ Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob7_11.pdf]] \\
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]] \\
(1) [[ Prob Basics (I) -> Attach: prob1_11.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ Prob Basics (II) -> Attach: prob2_11.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach: prob3_11.pdf]] \\
(4) [[ Discrete Random Variables (II) -> Attach: prob4_11.pdf]] \\
(5) [[ Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach: prob5_11.pdf]] \\
(6) [[ Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob6_11.pdf]] \\
(7) [[ Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob7_11.pdf]] \\
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]] \\
更新 69-74 行從:
(1) [[ HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] \\
(1S) [[ HW1 solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] \\
(2S) [[ HW2 solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] \\
(3S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]] \\
(1) [[ HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] \\
(1S) [[ HW1 solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] \\
(2S) [[ HW2 solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] \\
(3S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]] \\
2011 年 04 月 23 日,06:04 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 55-62 行從:
* (1) [[ Prob Basics (I) -> Attach: prob1_11.pdf]]
* (2) [[ Prob Basics (II) -> Attach: prob2_11.pdf]]
* (3) [[ Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach: prob3_11.pdf]]
* (4) [[ Discrete Random Variables (II) -> Attach: prob4_11.pdf]]
* (5) [[ Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach: prob5_11.pdf]]
* (6) [[ Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob6_11.pdf]]
* (7) [[ Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob7_11.pdf]]
* (8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]]
(1) [[ Prob Basics (I) -> Attach: prob1_11.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ Prob Basics (II) -> Attach: prob2_11.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach: prob3_11.pdf]] \\
(4) [[ Discrete Random Variables (II) -> Attach: prob4_11.pdf]] \\
(5) [[ Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach: prob5_11.pdf]] \\
(6) [[ Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob6_11.pdf]] \\
(7) [[ Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob7_11.pdf]] \\
(8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]] \\
更新 69-74 行從:
(1) [[ HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]]
(1S) [[ HW1 solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]]
(2) [[ HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]]
(2S) [[ HW2 solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]]
(3) [[ HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]]
(3S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]]
(1) [[ HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] \\
(1S) [[ HW1 solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] \\
(2) [[ HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] \\
(2S) [[ HW2 solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]] \\
(3) [[ HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] \\
(3S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]] \\
2011 年 04 月 23 日,06:02 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 53-62 行從:
* [[ Syllabus -> Attach: Syllbas_prob2011.pdf]]
* Introduction
* (1) Prob Basics (I)
* (2) Prob Basics (II)
* (3) Discrete Random Variables (I)
* (4) Discrete Random Variables (II)
* (5) Multimple Discrete RVs
* (6) Continuous RVs
* (7) Multiple Continuous RVs
* (8) Derived Distributions
* [[ Syllabus -> Attach: Syllabus_prob2011.pdf]]
* [[ Introduction -> Attach: prob0_11.pdf]]
* (1) [[ Prob Basics (I) -> Attach: prob1_11.pdf]]
* (2) [[ Prob Basics (II) -> Attach: prob2_11.pdf]]
* (3) [[ Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach: prob3_11.pdf]]
* (4) [[ Discrete Random Variables (II) -> Attach: prob4_11.pdf]]
* (5) [[ Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach: prob5_11.pdf]]
* (6) [[ Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob6_11.pdf]]
* (7) [[ Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach: prob7_11.pdf]]
* (8) [[ Derived Distributions -> Attach: prob8_11.pdf]]
更新 69-74 行從:
* [[ (1) HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]]
* [[ (1S) HW1 solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]]
* [[ (2) HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]]
* [[ (2S) HW2 solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]]
* [[ (3) HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]]
* [[ (3S) HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]]
(1) [[ HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]]
(1S) [[ HW1 solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]]
(2) [[ HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]]
(2S) [[ HW2 solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]]
(3) [[ HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]]
(3S) Attach:new.gif [[ HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]]
2011 年 04 月 23 日,05:55 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 53 行從:
* Syllabus
* [[ Syllabus -> Attach: Syllbas_prob2011.pdf]]
增加 66-74 行

Attach:buttom.gif '''Homework''':
* [[ (1) HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]]
* [[ (1S) HW1 solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]]
* [[ (2) HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]]
* [[ (2S) HW2 solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]]
* [[ (3) HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]]
* [[ (3S) HW3 solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]]
2011 年 04 月 23 日,05:28 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 53-63 行從:
* [[Syllabus -> Attach:Syllabus_prob2011.pdf]]
* [[Introduction -> Attach:prob0_11.pdf]]
* [[(1) Prob Basics (I) -> Attach:prob1_11.pdf]]
* [[(2) Prob Basics (II) -> Attach:prob2_11.pdf]]
* [[(3) Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob3_11.pdf]]
* [[(4) Discrete Random Variables (II) Mean, Var -> Attach:prob4_11.pdf]]
* [[(5) Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach:prob5_11.pdf]]
* [[(6) Continuous RVs -> Attach:prob6_11.pdf]]
* [[(7) Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach:prob7_11.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[(8) Derived Distributions -> Attach:prob8_11.pdf]]
* Syllabus
* Introduction
* (1) Prob Basics (I)
* (2) Prob Basics (II)
* (3) Discrete Random Variables (I)
* (4) Discrete Random Variables (II)
* (5) Multimple Discrete RVs
* (6) Continuous RVs
* (7) Multiple Continuous RVs
* (8) Derived Distributions
2011 年 04 月 23 日,05:26 下午 被 commw3 -
刪除 66-74 行:

Attach:buttom.gif '''Homework''':\\
(1) [[HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] (Due date: March 14) \\
(1S) [[HW1 Solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] (updated: 3/15) \\
(2) [[HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] (Due date: March 30) (updated: 3/30) \\
(2S) [[HW2 Solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]] (Problem 4 is not counted because Fig. 1 was missing) \\
(3) [[HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] (Due date: 4/20) \\
Attach:new.gif (3S) [[HW3 Solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]]
2011 年 04 月 23 日,09:16 上午 被 commw3 -
更新第 61 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[(7) Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach:prob7_11.pdf]]
* [[(7) Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach:prob7_11.pdf]]
2011 年 04 月 23 日,09:15 上午 被 commw3 -
更新 74-75 行從:
Attach:new.gif (3) [[HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] (Due date: 4/20) \\
(3) [[HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] (Due date: 4/20) \\
Attach:new.gif (3S) [[HW3 Solutions -> Attach: HW3sol.pdf]]
2011 年 04 月 07 日,03:51 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 29-30 行從:
* Attach:new.gif The Midterm Examine is to be held at 10:10am on April 20 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1 - 3 = (Lecs 1 to 7)) 期中考擬在4月20日上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,110分鐘,範圍: 課本Chaps 1- 3.)
* Attach:new.gif The Midterm Examine is to be held at 10:10am on April 27 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1 - 3 = (Lecs 1 to 7)) 期中考擬在4月27日上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,110分鐘,範圍: 課本Chaps 1- 3.)
更新第 74 行從:
Attach:new.gif (3) [[HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] (Due date: 4/18) \\
Attach:new.gif (3) [[HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] (Due date: 4/20) \\
2011 年 04 月 06 日,10:33 下午 被 commw3 -
增加 74-75 行
Attach:new.gif (3) [[HW3 -> Attach: HW3.pdf]] (Due date: 4/18) \\
2011 年 04 月 05 日,11:47 上午 被 commw3 -
增加 78-79 行
* [[Gaussian -> Attach:Guassian.pdf]]
* [[Poisson&exponential -> Attach:poisson2exponential.pdf]]
2011 年 04 月 05 日,10:24 上午 被 commw3 -
更新 29-31 行從:
* The 3/09 (Wed) class is cancelled. 3月9日(週三)因老師出國課程取消。The make-up classes are 8:10-9:AM on 3/14 (Monday) and 3/21 (Monday) (Room ED 301). 補課時間為3月14日與3月21日上午8:10-9:AM (Room ED 301)。\\
* Attach:new.gif Quiz 1 is to be held at 11:10am on March 30 (Wednesday) (50 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1 & 2 = (Lecs 1 to 5)) 第一次小考在3月30日上午11:10 (不可看書,50分鐘,範圍:課本 Chap 1 & Chap 2.)
* Attach:new.gif The Midterm Examine is to be held at 10:10am on April 20 (Wednesday) (110 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1 - 3 = (Lecs 1 to 7)) 期中考擬在4月20日上午10:10舉行 (不可看書,110分鐘,範圍: 課本Chaps 1- 3.)
更新 60-62 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[(6) Continuous RVs -> Attach:prob6_11.pdf]]
* [[(6) Continuous RVs -> Attach:prob6_11.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[(7) Multiple Continuous RVs -> Attach:prob7_11.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[(8) Derived Distributions -> Attach:prob8_11.pdf]]
2011 年 03 月 31 日,11:52 上午 被 commw3 -
更新 71-72 行從:
(2) [[HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] (Due date: March 30) \\
(2) [[HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] (Due date: March 30) (updated: 3/30) \\
(2S) [[HW2 Solutions -> Attach: HW2sol.pdf]] (Problem 4 is not counted because Fig. 1 was missing) \\
2011 年 03 月 21 日,09:31 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 60-61 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[(5) Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach:prob5_11.pdf]]
3. Continuous Random Variables \\
* [[(5) Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach:prob5_11.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[(6) Continuous RVs -> Attach:prob6_11.pdf]]
2011 年 03 月 20 日,10:10 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 28-29 行從:
Attach:buttom.gif '''公告(Announcement)''':
* The 3/09 (Wed) class is cancelled. 3月9日(週三)因老師出國課程取消。The make-up classes are 8:10-9:AM on 3/14 (Monday) and 3/21 (Monday) (Room ED 301). 補課時間為3月14日與3月21日上午8:10-9:AM (Room ED 301)。
Attach:buttom.gif '''公告(Announcement)''':\\
* The 3/09 (Wed) class is cancelled. 3月9日(週三)因老師出國課程取消。The make-up classes are 8:10-9:AM on 3/14 (Monday) and 3/21 (Monday) (Room ED 301). 補課時間為3月14日與3月21日上午8:10-9:AM (Room ED 301)。\\
2011 年 03 月 20 日,10:09 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 28-29 行從:
Attach:buttom.gif '''公告(Announcement)''':\\
* The 3/09 (Wed) class is cancelled. 3月9日(週三)因老師出國課程取消。The make-up classes are 8:10-9:AM on 3/14 (Monday) and 3/21 (Monday) (Room ED 301). 補課時間為3月14日與3月21日上午8:10-9:AM (Room ED 301)。\\
Attach:buttom.gif '''公告(Announcement)''':
* The 3/09 (Wed) class is cancelled. 3月9日(週三)因老師出國課程取消。The make-up classes are 8:10-9:AM on 3/14 (Monday) and 3/21 (Monday) (Room ED 301). 補課時間為3月14日與3月21日上午8:10-9:AM (Room ED 301)。
2011 年 03 月 20 日,10:08 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 29 行從:
* The 3/09 (Wed) class is cancelled. 3月9日(週三)因老師出國課程取消。The make-up classes are 8:10-9:AM on 3/14 (Monday) and 3/21 (Monday) (Room ED 301). 補課時間為3月14日與3月21日上午8:10-9:AM (Room ED 301)。
* The 3/09 (Wed) class is cancelled. 3月9日(週三)因老師出國課程取消。The make-up classes are 8:10-9:AM on 3/14 (Monday) and 3/21 (Monday) (Room ED 301). 補課時間為3月14日與3月21日上午8:10-9:AM (Room ED 301)。\\
2011 年 03 月 20 日,10:05 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 29-30 行從:
* Attach:new.gif The 3/09 (Wed) class is cancelled. 3月9日(週三)因老師出國課程取消。The make-up classes are 8:10-9:AM on 3/14 (Monday) and 3/21 (Monday) (Room ED 301). 補課時間為3月14日與3月21日上午8:10-9:AM (Room ED 301)。
* The 3/09 (Wed) class is cancelled. 3月9日(週三)因老師出國課程取消。The make-up classes are 8:10-9:AM on 3/14 (Monday) and 3/21 (Monday) (Room ED 301). 補課時間為3月14日與3月21日上午8:10-9:AM (Room ED 301)。
* Attach:new.gif Quiz 1 is to be held at 11:10am on March 30 (Wednesday) (50 mins, closed-book; Chaps 1 & 2 = (Lecs 1 to 5)) 第一次小考在3月30日上午11:10 (不可看書,50分鐘,範圍:課本 Chap 1 & Chap 2.)
增加第 70 行
(2) [[HW2 -> Attach: HW2.pdf]] (Due date: March 30) \\
2011 年 03 月 20 日,09:46 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 55-59 行從:
* [[Prob Basics (I) -> Attach:prob1_11.pdf]]
* [[Prob Basics (II) -> Attach:prob2_11.pdf]]
* [[Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob3_11.pdf]]
* [[Discrete Random Variables (II) Mean, Var -> Attach:prob4_11.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach:prob5_11.pdf]]
* [[(1) Prob Basics (I) -> Attach:prob1_11.pdf]]
* [[(2) Prob Basics (II) -> Attach:prob2_11.pdf]]
* [[(3) Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob3_11.pdf]]
* [[(4) Discrete Random Variables (II) Mean, Var -> Attach:prob4_11.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[(5) Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach:prob5_11.pdf]]
2011 年 03 月 20 日,09:45 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 59-60 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[Continuous Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob5_11.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[Multimple Discrete RVs -> Attach:prob5_11.pdf]]
3. Continuous Random Variables \\
2011 年 03 月 20 日,06:53 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 68 行從:
Attach:new.gif (1S) [[HW1 Solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] (updated: 3/15) \\
(1S) [[HW1 Solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] (updated: 3/15) \\
2011 年 03 月 20 日,06:51 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 54-60 行從:
* [[Introduction -> Attach:prob0_11.pdf]] \\
* [[Prob Basics (I) -> Attach:prob1_11.pdf]] \\
* [[Prob Basics (II) -> Attach:prob2_11.pdf]] \\
* [[Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob3_11.pdf]] \\
* [[Discrete Random Variables (II) Mean, Var -> Attach:prob4_11.pdf]] \\
* Attach:new.gif [[Continuous Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob5_11.pdf]] \\
* [[Introduction -> Attach:prob0_11.pdf]]
* [[Prob Basics (I) -> Attach:prob1_11.pdf]]
* [[Prob Basics (II) -> Attach:prob2_11.pdf]]
* [[Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob3_11.pdf]]
* [[Discrete Random Variables (II) Mean, Var -> Attach:prob4_11.pdf]]
* Attach:new.gif [[Continuous Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob5_11.pdf]]
更新 72-73 行從:
* [[Math Symbols in English -> Attach:MathSymbols.pdf]] \\
* [[Mean & Variance -> Attach:Mean_Var.pdf]] \\
* [[Math Symbols in English -> Attach:MathSymbols.pdf]]
* [[Mean & Variance -> Attach:Mean_Var.pdf]]
2011 年 03 月 20 日,06:51 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 53 行從:
* [[Syllabus -> Attach:Syllabus_prob2011.pdf]] \\
* [[Syllabus -> Attach:Syllabus_prob2011.pdf]]
2011 年 03 月 20 日,06:50 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 52 行從:
Attach:buttom.gif '''Contents''':\\
Attach:buttom.gif '''Contents''':
2011 年 03 月 20 日,06:50 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 57-59 行從:
* Attach:new.gif [[Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob3_11.pdf]] \\
* Attach:new.gif [[Discrete Random Variables (II) Mean, Var -> Attach:prob4_11.pdf]] \\
3. Continuous Random Variables \\
* [[Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob3_11.pdf]] \\
* [[Discrete Random Variables (II) Mean, Var -> Attach:prob4_11.pdf]] \\
* Attach:new.gif [[Continuous Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob5_11.pdf]] \\
更新 71-72 行從:
Attach:buttom.gif '''References''':
* [[Math Symbols in English -> Attach:MathSymbols.pdf]]
Attach:buttom.gif '''Supplements''':
* [[Math Symbols in English -> Attach:MathSymbols.pdf]] \\
* [[Mean & Variance -> Attach:Mean_Var.pdf]] \\
2011 年 03 月 15 日,08:39 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 67 行從:
Attach:new.gif (1S) [[HW1 Solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] \\
Attach:new.gif (1S) [[HW1 Solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] (updated: 3/15) \\
2011 年 03 月 14 日,08:30 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 66-67 行從:
Attach:new.gif (1) [[HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] (Due date: March 14) \\
(1) [[HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] (Due date: March 14) \\
Attach:new.gif (1S) [[HW1 Solutions -> Attach: HW1sol.pdf]] \\
2011 年 03 月 05 日,11:23 上午 被 commw3 -
增加第 58 行
* Attach:new.gif [[Discrete Random Variables (II) Mean, Var -> Attach:prob4_11.pdf]] \\
更新第 66 行從:
(1) Attach:new.gif [[HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] (Due date: March 14) \\
Attach:new.gif (1) [[HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] (Due date: March 14) \\
2011 年 03 月 05 日,09:29 上午 被 commw3 -
更新第 65 行從:
(1) Attach:new.gif [[HW1 ->HW1.pdf]] (Due date: March 14) \\
(1) Attach:new.gif [[HW1 -> Attach: HW1.pdf]] (Due date: March 14) \\
2011 年 03 月 05 日,09:28 上午 被 commw3 -
更新第 65 行從:
(1) Attach:new.gif [[Syllabus ->HW1.pdf]] (Due date: March 14) \\
(1) Attach:new.gif [[HW1 ->HW1.pdf]] (Due date: March 14) \\
2011 年 03 月 05 日,09:28 上午 被 commw3 -
增加 62-65 行

Attach:buttom.gif '''Homework''':\\
(1) Attach:new.gif [[Syllabus ->HW1.pdf]] (Due date: March 14) \\
2011 年 03 月 04 日,03:49 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 56-57 行從:
*Attach:new.gif [[Prob Basics (II) -> Attach:prob2_11.pdf]] \\
2. Discrete Random Variables \\
* [[Prob Basics (II) -> Attach:prob2_11.pdf]] \\
* Attach:new.gif [[Discrete Random Variables (I) -> Attach:prob3_11.pdf]] \\
2011 年 03 月 04 日,02:30 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 21 行從:
林振揚 (ED529, x 54228) ([[talent31022@gmail.com -> mailto:talent31022@gmail.com]]) Recitation: Friday 6:30-8:30pm, ED220\\
林振揚 (ED529, x 54228) ([[talent31022@gmail.com -> mailto:talent31022@gmail.com]]) Recitation 助教複習: Friday 6:30-8:30pm, ED220\\
2011 年 03 月 04 日,02:28 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 21 行從:
林振揚 (ED529, x 54228) ([[talent31022@gmail.com -> mailto:talent31022@gmail.com]]) \\
林振揚 (ED529, x 54228) ([[talent31022@gmail.com -> mailto:talent31022@gmail.com]]) Recitation: Friday 6:30-8:30pm, ED220\\
2011 年 03 月 03 日,03:22 下午 被 commw3 -
增加 28-29 行
Attach:buttom.gif '''公告(Announcement)''':\\
* Attach:new.gif The 3/09 (Wed) class is cancelled. 3月9日(週三)因老師出國課程取消。The make-up classes are 8:10-9:AM on 3/14 (Monday) and 3/21 (Monday) (Room ED 301). 補課時間為3月14日與3月21日上午8:10-9:AM (Room ED 301)。
2011 年 03 月 03 日,03:20 下午 被 commw3 -
增加 26-27 行

2011 年 02 月 22 日,10:38 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 50-52 行從:
*Attach:new.gif [[Introduction -> Attach:prob0_11.pdf]] \\
*Attach:new.gif [[Prob Basics (I) -> Attach:prob1_11.pdf]] \\
* [[Introduction -> Attach:prob0_11.pdf]] \\
* [[Prob Basics (I) -> Attach:prob1_11.pdf]] \\
*Attach:new.gif [[Prob Basics (II) -> Attach:prob2_11.pdf]] \\
2011 年 02 月 20 日,04:27 下午 被 commw3 -
增加 58-62 行

Attach:buttom.gif '''References''':
* [[Math Symbols in English -> Attach:MathSymbols.pdf]]
2011 年 02 月 20 日,04:10 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 48-49 行從:
Attach:buttom.gif '''Contents''':
1. Probability Basics \\
Attach:buttom.gif '''Contents''':\\
* [[Syllabus -> Attach:Syllabus_prob2011.pdf]] \\
*Attach:new.gif [[Introduction -> Attach:prob0_11.pdf]] \\
*Attach:new.gif [[Prob Basics (I) -> Attach:prob1_11.pdf]] \\
2011 年 02 月 20 日,03:13 下午 被 commw3 -
2011 年 02 月 20 日,03:13 下午 被 commw3 -
更新第 14 行從:
1:30pm-3:30pm Monday\\
10:00pm-12:00noon Monday; 1:30pm-3:30pm Wednesday (ED609)\\
2011 年 02 月 20 日,01:45 下午 被 commw3 -
2011 年 02 月 20 日,01:37 下午 被 commw3 -
2011 年 02 月 20 日,01:25 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 25-26 行從:
In this course, we will discuss two most fundamental problems in communication systems, namely, minimum data representation and reliable communication. The focus is the well-known Shannon’s three theorems: source coding, channel coding and rate distortion theorems. 
This course gives an introduction to basic concepts and computations of elementary probability theory. We cover the following topics: axioms of probability, joint and conditional probability, random variables, functions of one and two random variables, expected value and moments, central limit theorem, laws of large numbers, and basic statistical analysis tools. They constitute the fundamental knowledge of electrical engineering and computer science disciplines, particularly in the areas of communications, networking and signal processing.

Attach:buttom.gif '''Reference Web Site''':\\
%newwin, green% [[MIT Open Course Ware -> http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-041-probabilistic-systems-analysis-and-applied-probability-spring-2006/]]

更新 33-34 行從:
T.M. Cover and J.A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, 2nd ed., Wiley 2006.\\
D. P. Bertsekas and J. N. Tsitskilis, Introduction to Probability, Athena Scientific, 2nd edition, 2008\\

更新 37-41 行從:
Homework: 15% \\
Computer-project: 20% \\
Midterm Examine: 30% (2 hours, open book) \\
Final Examine: 35% (2 hours, open book) \\
Homework: 20%\\
Quiz 1: 10% \\
Quiz 2: 10% \\
Midterm Examine: 30% (2 hours, closed book) \\
Final Examine: 30% (2 hours, closed book) \\
更新 44-61 行從:
Attach:buttom.gif '''Reference Web''':\\
MIT Open Course Ware\\

%font-style=italic%"道爾頓(John Dalton, 1766-1844, 化學原子論開創者) 認為講義是用來鼓勵(引導)學生的,不能取代學生自己的探索。" 張文亮: 回到起初, p.109, 時報出版 2003. \\
(John Dalton: Classnotes are meant for guiding students; they should not replace the students' own quest for knowledge.) \\

* [[Syllabus -> Attach:Syllabus_IT2009.pdf]]
* [[Introduction -> Attach:ITch0_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 1: [[Information and Entropy -> Attach:ITch1stu_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 2: [[Source Coding -> Attach:ITch2stu_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 3: [[Channel Coding (I) -> Attach:ITch3stu_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 4: [[Channel Coding (II) -> Attach:ITch4stu_2009.pdf]] (updated: 2009.11.17)
* Chapter 5: [[Rate-distortion Theory -> Attach:ITch5stu_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 6: [[Differential Entropy/Gaussian Channel -> Attach:ITch6stu_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 7: [[RD Theory for Continuous Sources -> Attach:ITch7stu_2009.pdf]]
Attach:buttom.gif '''Backgorund''':\\
Calculus, Linear algebra\\
更新 48-66 行從:
Attach:buttom.gif '''References''':
* [[Shannon 1948 -> Attach:shannon1948.pdf]]
* [[Blahut 1972 -> Attach:BlahutIT72.pdf]]
* [[Berger Book RD Section -> Attach:Berger.pdf]]
* [[Pearlman Image Coding -> Attach:PearlmanChap_v2.pdf]]

Attach:buttom.gif '''Homework Assignment''':

Attach:buttom.gif '''Recommended Readings''':
1. R. W. Yueng (楊偉豪, 香港中文大學), Information Theory and Network Coding, Springer, 2008.\\
2. R.G. Gallager, Principles of Digital Communications, Cambridge, 2008.\\
3. R.G. Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communications, Wiley, 1968.\\
4. R.E. Blahut, Principles and Practices of Information Theory, Addison Wesley,1987.\\
Attach:buttom.gif '''Contents''':
1. Probability Basics \\
2. Discrete Random Variables \\
3. Continuous Random Variables \\
4. Joint Distribution and Function of Random Variables \\
5. Limit Theorems \\
6. Fundamentals of Statistics \\
2011 年 02 月 20 日,01:13 下午 被 commw3 -
2011 年 02 月 20 日,01:12 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 37-38 行從:
Attach:buttom.gif '''Classnote''':\\
Attach:buttom.gif '''Reference Web''':\\
MIT Open Course Ware\\
2011 年 02 月 20 日,01:02 下午 被 commw3 -
更新 19-20 行從:
蔡家揚 (ED422, x 54231) ([[chyatsai@gmail.com -> mailto:chyatsai@gmail.com]]) \\
李兆軒 (ED422, x 54232) ([[pig19870210@hotmail.com -> mailto:pig19870210@hotmail.com]]) \\
羅偵源 (ED422, x 54232) ([[jrwinds@hotmail.com -> mailto:jrwinds@hotmail.com]]) \\
林振揚 (ED529, x 54228) ([[talent31022@gmail.com -> mailto:talent31022@gmail.com]]) \\
刪除 23-30 行:
Attach:buttom.gif '''公告(Announcement)''':\\
* Attach:new.gif 本學期成績如右檔,如有任何問題或想看期末考卷,請於1月26日前和我連絡,逾期不更改成績。Your final scores are listed on the right file. If you have any question or you like to look at your final examine sheets, please contact me before January 26. The scores cannot be changed after Jan 26. [[ Final Scores (final) -> Attach: 98150301tmp.pdf]]
(:Attach:new.gif 期末考預定在1月11日(週一)舉行, Open-book; 範圍: Lecture 1 to Lecture 7 (Lectures 4--7: 70%) 。 (The final examine is to be held on January 11 (Monday), 2010; open-book. It covers Lecture 1 to Lecture 7. (Lectures 4--7: 70%) ):) \\
(:Attach:new.gif The due date of HW 4 (Computer assignment) is extended to Dec. 15.:)
* [[ Old Test File -- Midterm (考古題): -> Attach: OldTestIT_Mid2007.pdf]]

2011 年 02 月 20 日,12:58 下午 被 commw3 -
增加 1-81 行
>>font-style=calibri bgcolor=#ffffff align= center <<
! DEE 1316 (2011 Spring)
! 機率與統計(Probabiltiy and Statistics)

|| align=center border=0 width= 500px
|| %left%'''Instructor''': ||%left% Prof. Hsueh-Ming Hang (杭學鳴教授) ||
|| %left%'''Office''': ||%left% ED609 x 31861 ||
|| %left%'''Email''': ||%left% [[hmhang@mail.nctu.edu.tw -> mailto:hmhang@mail.nctu.edu.tw]] ||
|| %left%'''Lecture''': ||%left% 1B, 3CD, ED301 ||

>>black font-style=calibri bgcolor=#ffffff <<
Attach:buttom.gif '''Office hours''': \\
1:30pm-3:30pm Monday\\
Please make an appointment in advance (請儘可能事先預約時段) \\

Attach:buttom.gif '''Teaching Assistant''':\\
蔡家揚 (ED422, x 54231) ([[chyatsai@gmail.com -> mailto:chyatsai@gmail.com]]) \\

Attach:buttom.gif '''公告(Announcement)''':\\
* Attach:new.gif 本學期成績如右檔,如有任何問題或想看期末考卷,請於1月26日前和我連絡,逾期不更改成績。Your final scores are listed on the right file. If you have any question or you like to look at your final examine sheets, please contact me before January 26. The scores cannot be changed after Jan 26. [[ Final Scores (final) -> Attach: 98150301tmp.pdf]]
(:Attach:new.gif 期末考預定在1月11日(週一)舉行, Open-book; 範圍: Lecture 1 to Lecture 7 (Lectures 4--7: 70%) 。 (The final examine is to be held on January 11 (Monday), 2010; open-book. It covers Lecture 1 to Lecture 7. (Lectures 4--7: 70%) ):) \\
(:Attach:new.gif The due date of HW 4 (Computer assignment) is extended to Dec. 15.:)
* [[ Old Test File -- Midterm (考古題): -> Attach: OldTestIT_Mid2007.pdf]]

Attach:buttom.gif '''Course Description''':\\
In this course, we will discuss two most fundamental problems in communication systems, namely, minimum data representation and reliable communication. The focus is the well-known Shannon’s three theorems: source coding, channel coding and rate distortion theorems. 

Attach:buttom.gif '''Text book''':\\
T.M. Cover and J.A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, 2nd ed., Wiley 2006.\\
Attach:buttom.gif '''Grading''':\\
Homework: 15% \\
Computer-project: 20% \\
Midterm Examine: 30% (2 hours, open book) \\
Final Examine: 35% (2 hours, open book) \\

Attach:buttom.gif '''Classnote''':\\

%font-style=italic%"道爾頓(John Dalton, 1766-1844, 化學原子論開創者) 認為講義是用來鼓勵(引導)學生的,不能取代學生自己的探索。" 張文亮: 回到起初, p.109, 時報出版 2003. \\
(John Dalton: Classnotes are meant for guiding students; they should not replace the students' own quest for knowledge.) \\

* [[Syllabus -> Attach:Syllabus_IT2009.pdf]]
* [[Introduction -> Attach:ITch0_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 1: [[Information and Entropy -> Attach:ITch1stu_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 2: [[Source Coding -> Attach:ITch2stu_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 3: [[Channel Coding (I) -> Attach:ITch3stu_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 4: [[Channel Coding (II) -> Attach:ITch4stu_2009.pdf]] (updated: 2009.11.17)
* Chapter 5: [[Rate-distortion Theory -> Attach:ITch5stu_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 6: [[Differential Entropy/Gaussian Channel -> Attach:ITch6stu_2009.pdf]]
* Chapter 7: [[RD Theory for Continuous Sources -> Attach:ITch7stu_2009.pdf]]

Attach:buttom.gif '''References''':
* [[Shannon 1948 -> Attach:shannon1948.pdf]]
* [[Blahut 1972 -> Attach:BlahutIT72.pdf]]
* [[Berger Book RD Section -> Attach:Berger.pdf]]
* [[Pearlman Image Coding -> Attach:PearlmanChap_v2.pdf]]

Attach:buttom.gif '''Homework Assignment''':

Attach:buttom.gif '''Recommended Readings''':
1. R. W. Yueng (楊偉豪, 香港中文大學), Information Theory and Network Coding, Springer, 2008.\\
2. R.G. Gallager, Principles of Digital Communications, Cambridge, 2008.\\
3. R.G. Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communications, Wiley, 1968.\\
4. R.E. Blahut, Principles and Practices of Information Theory, Addison Wesley,1987.\\

(:comment this is a small test:)
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