
IEE 7582 (2011 Spring)

數位通訊 (Digital Communication System)

Instructor: Prof. Che-Ho Wei (魏哲和教授)
Office: ED541 x 31852
Email: chwei@mail.nctu.edu.tw
Lecture: Hours-Classroom: 3EFG-ED201

Office hours:
10:00pm-12:00pm Wednesday
Please make an appointment in advance (請儘可能事先預約時段)

Teaching Assistant:
洪朝雄 (ED529, x 54228) (hongmorning@gmail.com)

1. Proakis, J.G. and Salehi , M., Digital Communications , 5th Ed., McGraw- Hill ,2008 .
2. Wesolowski, K., Introduction to Digital Communication Systems ,Wiley , 2009.
3. Barry, J.R., E.A. Lee, and D.G. Messerschmitt , Digital Communications, 3rd Ed., Kluwer , 2004 .
4. Ziemer, R.E. and Peterson ,R.L., Introduction to Digital Communication , Prentice Hall , 2001.
5. Couch , II , L.W. , Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 7th Ed., Pearson Prentice Hall ,2007.
6. Ziemer, R.E. and Tranter,W.H. , Princip;es of Communications, 6th Edition, Wiley , 2008


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